Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Assessment for assessment’s sake or for learning?

What can trigger the change?

I presented this paper during the symposium held on the theme “Assessment and Future Directions” by the Mauritius Examinations Syndicate on 22 February 2005.


In theory, examinations are supposed to certify learning, introduce some degree of accountability to maintain certain agreed standards and also to motivate students’ to learn. Examination results and reports are expected to indicate the extent to which candidates have achieved the objectives and trigger corrective measures to raise learning standards. However, year in year out we see examination reports pointing to the same lacuna and confirming that the majority masters the part of the syllabus that deals with the lower level knowledge objectives. Classroom research further confirms that sufficient systematic and deliberate attempts are not being made to cater for the higher order objectives. This paper raises questions such as: where have we gone wrong? Why have we not been able to take the appropriate remedial measures to raise the learning standards? Can we assume we know what directions the teaching learning should take? Do we take the measures that we are supposed to take? What can trigger the change? ... and highlights the need to focus on the agents of the system rather than the products.

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